Cellular Light Weight Concrete Brick

Introduction to CLC...

  • Easy to Handle.

  • Superior, Stronger & Lighter.

  • Faster construction.

  • Environment friendly.

  • Recycle Fly Ash.

  • Support Green revolution.

  • Ordinary tools can be used for cutting


Concrete is most important construction materials. In upcoming years there has been an increasing worldwide demand for the construction of buildings, roads and an airfield. In some ruler areas, the huge quantities of aggregate that have already been used means that local materials are no longer available and the deficit has to be made up by importing materials from other place.

A CLC Unit of

Therefore a new direction towards Cellular Lightweight Concrete in building and civil engineering construction is used. The origin of the CLC is difficult to assess, it would not be an exaggeration to say that its roots are from the ancient period. With the increase in the demand of CLC and the unavailability of the aggregates, technology for producing lightweight aggregates has been developed. Lightweight concrete is the type of concrete which includes an expanding agent in that it increases the volume of the mixture and lessened the dead weight. It is lighter than the conventional concrete.

It is produced by initially making slurry of Cement, Fly Ash, and Water which is further mixed with the addition of pre-formed stable foam in a blender concrete mixer under ambient conditions.
The amount of Cement, Fly-Ash, Foam & Water included in the Light Weight Cellular concrete mix design depends on the required properties (i.e. strength, thermal conductivity or durability). Also, depending on the required CLC density and variance, an appropriate mixed design is selected.

The mixture is either poured into assembled moulds of blocks. The foam imparts free flowing characteristics to this slurry due to ball bearing effect of foam bubbles enabling it to easily flow into all corners and compact by itself in the moulds without requiring any Kind of vibration or compaction.
Good Curing gives good strength and dimensional stability to Bricks. Bricks are cured by Water Curing procedure for 14-28 days.

1. Quality parameters with compare to Clay bricks & AAC Brick.

Sl. No. Parameters Cellular Lightweight Concrete Bricks Burnt Clay Bricks AAC Brick
1. Basic raw materials & other inputs Cement Cement, Fly Ash & Foaming Compound Top Soil & Energy Cement, Sand, High quality Lime, Gypsum, Water, Fly Ash & aluminium as aerating compound
2. Dry Density Kg/m3 750-800 1900 550-650
3. Compressive Strength in kg/cm 25-30 40-75 40-45
4. Aging Gains strength with age No gain in strength with age Gains strength with age
5. Thermal Conductivity (W/m.k.) 0.098 for 400 Kg/m3

0.151 for 700 Kg/m3

0.238 for 1000 Kg/m3
0.184 0.132-0.151 for 650 Kg/m3
6. Sound Insulation Superior than burnt clay & hollow concrete Normal Superior than burnt clay & hollow concrete
7. Ease of Working Can be cut, nailed & drilled Normal Can be cut, nailed & drilled
8. Pre-cast elements Any size of elements Not feasible Any size of elements
9. Water Absorption % by weight 12% for 800 kg/m3 density (by volume) 20% by volume Water absorption is high as compared.
10. Drying Shrinkage mm/meter 0.10 No shrinkage 0.011
11. Productivity Output 100% more than brick work Normal Output 100% more than brick work
12. Eco Friendliness Pollution free Least energy requirement can consume fly ash around 33% Can Creates smoke Uses high energy Wastes agricultural land Pollution free, High energy requirement, open process uses fly ash or sand lime
13. Structural saving due to dead weight reduction. 60% reduction in dead load of wall and 48% in partition. 15% cost saving for high rise buildings as compared. No additional saving 55% reduction in weight of walls. Tremendous structural saving for high rise buildings in Earthquake .
14. Construction Speed Very high due to bigger size, light weight Comparatively lower Very high due to bigger size, light weight
15. Quality Uniform and finished edges Normally varies Uniformed finished
16. Delivery Pre cured and ready for delivery Seasonal Pre Cured and ready for delivery
17. Automation Available in Full Automatic, Semi Automatic and manual. Manual Automated Manufacturing process.

2. Small write up how a plant can be setup in small scale to large scale.

According to the plan CLC plants can be setup in various capacities from small scale to large scale, manual to fully automatic, and water curing to automated vapor curing. Contact us with information about your target market and financial capability, we will design a plan for you.
Raw Materials:

Cement: OPC (53 Grade) Fly-Ash: Only from Thermal Power Plant
Foaming Agent: Protein Based Water: Soft Water (TDS to be less than 500)

Plant capacities:

Plant Capacity Production Per Shift (8 hours)
15m3 1125 units
30m3 2250 units
50m3 3750 units
75m3 5625 units
100m3 7500 units

3. Our Role as consultant:
Our vision is to help entrepreneurs to setup the finest quality of CLC bricks manufacturing plants. These plants will help the fast growing construction activities by providing high quality eco-friendly light weight bricks in a affordable price. Small plants size will help small and medium scale entrepreneurs in setting up low cost plants in small localities targeting small towns and villages and small plants will be able to provide low cost high quality brick manufactured in same locality and delivered at the doorstep of buyers. With increase use of CLC bricks in replacement of Clay Bricks, young entrepreneurs can setup CLC plants at a minimum area, investment & effort as we will provide the necessary details about from project report preparation to sourcing of machineries to raw materials, help in construction and guidance in taking certifications etc.
A easy way to setup a plant at your neighborhood.